Sunday, April 22, 2007

Tiring weekend

Well, Thursday night, Callie & I went & got haircuts. Here's the before:


Friday night Darrin & I went out to dinnner and Callie went to a sleepover at a friend's house. She stayed up until 2 am, which made her cranky for....

Saturday, which was Brynn's birthday party for the little girls she knows from preschool. Here are some pictures:

Brynn's latest funny thing is speaking "Bubbleish" - which just involves talking under the water in the bath. She asked me to take a picture of it, so here ya go!

Today, it seems like everybody may be coming down with something. All afternoon headaches, fevers, and crankyness have been running rampant through just about all of us. It's not been a fun afternoon, and the rain and generally gloomy weather hasn't helped. I'm off to bed now.


Blogger timdonaldson said...

Hey, the forecast shows 82 this weekend. Hopefully it will be better then.

Brittany's Dad is in town and yesterday in the late afternoon we went up the canyon behind provo, towards Heber City, and hiked around that lake up there, it was pretty cool. It didn't rain while we were there, which helped.

9:11 AM  

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