Sunday, February 18, 2007

Busy week!

Well, this week started out just crazy. Monday morning I set out to catch up on the mounds of laundry that had accumulated before and after our trip, only to have the washing machine die on the FIRST load. Got that fixed on Tuesday while I was watching Grant during Tim's interview. It was interesting to see the difference between those two. Brynn ran & hid, Grant kept watching to watch the repainman.

Tuesday night I had an interview with a potential client for June. I'm hoping they hire me - I really enjoyed chatting with them.

Wednesday, Valentine's Day. I went & helped Callie's class make candy houses for their class party. Just like gingerbread houses, only made of cardboard and decorated with Valentine's Day candy instead of Christmas candy. Their teacher had taught the class several Valentine's Day songs, you know, the traditional "Knock Three Times on the Ceiling if you Want Me", " L is For the Way You Look at Me", "Going to the Chapel and We're Gonna Get Married" and "Cupid, Draw Back Your Bow". It was pretty funny to see and hear the kids dancing around, singing those songs and bopping while they decorated the houses.

We didn't have plans because I had to teach that night. The girls really wanted to do a fancy dinner, so I cooked and they set the table with the nice dishes, tablecloth, candles, etc. But (as I knew it would be) dinner was the usual rush it is on the nights I teach - we have all of about 13 minutes together between the time Darrin gets home and I have to leave.

So I hurry out from dinner, go all the way to the hospital, get everything set up, and wait. No one shows. Half an hour after class was supposed to start, I pack everything up and go home. Made me angry because the week before I had asked the couples in the class if they had plans for Valentine's Day, and offered to reschedule, and they ALL said they would come. So that was Valentine's Day.

Yesterday was a mother-daughter activity with Callie. Those are always fun and I enjoyed having some time with just her. In the afternoon, she went out to play with her best friend Andrian, who moved to Saratoga Springs (about 40 minutes away), and a few other friends of hers who live in our neighborhood - I picked them up & brought them home.

The rest of the week (literally every moment) was filled with lots of details of running my house and prepping for this conference that is now only 6 days away. I was reading a book on our trip to St. George, a good book about a midwife living on the Bay of Fundy (Canadian East Coast) in the early 1900s - and I haven't had a chance to crack it open since we got back. Now for me to go that long without reading is really unusual!


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