Happy Birthday Grandma!
I can't believe she would be 90 today. I miss her!
Kyra has few memories of her. She remembers the half-size cans of root beer that Grandma bought just for her and let her drink with a straw. She remembers that she made a Halloween ghost decoration grandma hung from her chandelier that later scared her to death in the middle of the night. She remembers grandma hugging her and telling her she was a good girl and very "purdy". She remembers grandma playing patty cake in the waiting room of the doctors. And that's about it.
Callie, of course, has no memories since she was only 5 months old when grandma died. We only have one picture of the two of them together and my scanner isn't working so I can't post it.
All this was brought to the surface today as I attended a beautiful birth before the sun rose today. The mom asked me what the birthday was a few minutes after the birth and when I replied "Your son's birthday is September 16" I remembered. And I haven't stopped remembering all day.
If anyone else is remembering grandma today, please share a memory or two in the comments.