Sunday, November 18, 2007

Buffy! Buffy! Buffy!

This is Buffy:

Buffy is a stuffed buffalo we bought for Brynn on our trip to Island Park/Yellowstone this summer. He (and despite the effeminate name, Buffy is a HE!) is Brynn's best buddy ever since the trip. Last night at bedtime, Buffy was nowhere to be found. There was much weeping and wailing and dumping out of toyboxes, but to no avail, he was gone. Brynn did not sleep well without him.
We searched and searched and searched some more today, but still no Buffy. More weeping and wailing on Brynn's part. Every single family member had searched everywhere we could think of, including looking through the recyclable things Brynn had taken out to the garage yesterday and digging through the sandbox!
And then, finally, I found Buffy hiding among the piles of junk in Callie's room. And tonight Brynn is sleeping with Buffy safely tucked under her chin.
And that is the most exciting thing that has happened at our house this week.
Tune in tomorrow for the news about Kyra's drama tryouts - she'll find out if she gets the part she wanted....


Blogger Heather said...

Ooh, go Kyra!

And hooray on finding buffy. We are currently missing a gameboy at our house and, though I don't let him play it much, Scott is VERY unhappy with me right now.

8:41 AM  
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