Friday, January 19, 2007

Organized into Confusion

So Sunday morning Darrin got the dreaded tummy bug. It was convenient for him to be able to have an excuse for not doing anything else while the Patriots were playing...

Thankfully, Darrin's new job lets him work from home whenever he wants, so he did that on Tuesday, when *I* got the dreaded tummy bug.

It is a short sickness, though, so by yesterday, I was feeling fine and actually anxious to get something DONE! So I reorganized my entire office. Every shelf, every drawer, the piles on the desk, everything got cleaned out, sorted and organized. I filled the recycling can half full, plus more in the trash, plus a pile for DI and a pile to sell at the doula conference. And of course, the pile of unfinished projects! But I am wading through those today and am almost halfway done.

I filled 5 banker's boxes with old paperwork that can go in the attic but I can't quite get rid of yet (business paperwork, tax receipts, etc.) FIVE boxes. And of course, as I'm finishing up those projects this morning, I realize I need something that is not where I thought it was.

You see, last summer I went to the DONA International conference in Denver. And I earned continuing education credits there. And it is time to renew my certification, so I need that certificate. And it is not filed with the rest of my recertification paperwork, nor is it filed with the tax deductible receipts (though the receipt for my conference fees was in that file!) It's not with my childbirth educator certification paperwork, nor is it with my personnel stuff from the hospital (they have to see proof of continuing ed, too)

So the 14 hours I spent Wednesday night and Thursday organizing myself? Useless. I still can't find the paperwork that cost me hundreds of dollars and 4 days of my life to earn.

Off to go unseal all those boxes and start looking through them. Maybe they got filed in 2005 stuff....


Blogger Milliner's Dream, a woman of many "hats"... said...

Let me know if you need help getting a copy--but hope you find it.

I've been decluttering myself and know it is hard work...!


1:38 PM  

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