Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We take a break from blasting the past for this special announcement:

Kyra will be playing the lead in the Spring play for her school!

She's very excited and told me I *HAD* to blog it! (I suspect she's most looking forward to the screams she gets to do.) The performances will be Feb 19, 20, 21 & 23, so mark your calendars if you want to see it!
And I have another Kyra accomplishment to announce. OK so this actually happened about 6 months ago, but I just found out about it today as I was bored and surfing the internet for images related to “Lythgoe”. Kyra entered a contest back in June for a free, all-expense paid trip to the Oregon Coast. We never heard anything and paid for our own trip, but today I found this:
They posted her entry as one of the top 20! It’s about halfway down the page.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOORAY FOR KYRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2:10 PM  
Blogger Bonnie said...


6:02 PM  

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